A trade log tracks the number of trades, wins, losses, and profits, but more importantly, it tracks trading statistics such as win-rate, reward:risk, and efficiency, each day and over many days. A trade log provides insights into our trading and highlights opportunities to improve, which may otherwise go unnoticed.
Below is a day trading trade log for 2025. Use it to track forex, stocks, or futures statistics. There’s a different tab for each month of the year at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet.
And don’t worry, you don’t need to punch in every trade manually, you just need to punch in a few numbers from your day and everything else is calculated for you.
Downloadable Day Trading Log in Excel for 2025 – Stocks, Forex, Futures
There are programs that you can connect to your day trading account to track various statistics and performance. Some people like these programs, while others prefer to input the data themselves. Also, by tracking our own statistics we can track things that automated programs can’t.
I have included “Efficiency” along with win-rate, reward/risk, profitability, and more. Efficiency is an important metric to track, yet is almost never discussed.
Efficiency is how well we actually trade relative to what we should make if we traded our trading plan (strategies) optimally. Efficiency helps show us how much our mistakes are costing us.
For example, we may review our day trading chart in the evening and see that we could have made 5% on the day if we stuck to our strategies. But in reality, we skipped one of the trades, or didn’t see it in real-time, and so our actual profit was only 3%. We made 3% of an available 5% (based on our already established methods) so our efficiency is 3/5=60%. In other words, we made 60% of the profit that was available to us.
Need a method for day trading the EURUSD that works in all market conditions…that shows you when to attack and when to sit on your hands? The EURUSD Day Trading Course shows you, step-by-step, how to crush the forex market every month.
Here are all the stats included in the downloadable day trading log Excel sheet.
Feel free to add columns if needed, or delete columns you don’t need.
- Date
- Starting account balance for that day
- The percent you can risk on each trade (typically 1% of account balance). This amount is called R. If you risk a different amount, replace 0.01 in the formula with 0.005 for example, if risking 0.5%. Change the heading of the column as well, accordingly.
- Number of round-trip trades taken during the day
- Number of wins
- Number of losses
- Win Rate %, which is # of wins / # of trades
- R Won is how many Rs you won when you add up only winning trades. For example, if you risk 1R on a trade, and you win a trade with a 2.5:1 reward to risk, you are up 2.5R.
- R Lost is how many Rs you lost when you add up only losing trades.
- Average R Win is the average of how many R are won on the winning trades. Calculated as R Won / # of Wins.
- Average R Loss is the average of how many R are lost on the losing trades. Calculated as R Loss / # of Losses.
- Reward:Risk (R:R) is Average R Win / Average R Loss. This tells us how profitable our average win is relative to our average loss.
- Profit R is the daily profit expressed as R, not including fees.
- Potential R is our potential profit if we followed our trading plan and executed all the trades well. Input this manually after reviewing your chart.
- Efficiency is Profit R / Potential R. Input this one manually, as it is a rather subjective measure of whether you followed your plan or not.
- Gross Profit $ is gross dollar profit based on what our trading platform says. If you pay commissions, add them back in for this number.
- Fees are our commission costs. Add up the costs shown in the trading platform for the day. If you don’t pay commissions, don’t include this.
- Net Profit. This $ amount is from our trading platform. It is Gross Profit $ – Fees.
- Actual R is our R profit when including commissions. Calculated as Net Profit / R
- Amount Traded is the dollar value of currency traded during the day. If you took 1 trade of 100,000 (one standard lot) remember to double it, because you bought and sold it. Total traded is 200,000 in this case. If you bought $25K worth of shares and then should them, that’s $50K total. This number is to tell your friends and freak out your mom.
- Ending Balance is the actual balance in your account at the end of the trading day. It should be Starting Balance + Net Profit
- Time Traded is how many hours were spent trading. I typically limit my forex day trading to 2 hours, for example. With my stock day trading method, I only trade 30 minutes. This is averaged at the bottom so you how many hours you traded each day, on average, throughout the month. This also be useful by assessing your “hourly wage”….just divide net profit for the month by hours worked.
- Average Leverage is to track how leverage is being used. It is calculated as [(Amt Traded /2) / # of roundtrip trades] / Starting Balance.
- Screenshot link: I recommend taking a screenshot of every trading day. The whole time you traded with the trades marked and your notes. Take a screenshot and save it on your computer. But for quick access, if you also use TradingView, in the upper right corner click on the Camera, then click Copy Link. Input the link into the spreadsheet each day, as that will also provide a snapshot of your trades.
- There are Totals along the bottom. Some are sums and others are averages, where applicable. Some values need to be put in manually.

I added trade examples on each page of the Excel file to give a sense of the metrics.
This spreadsheet is tracking quite a bit. Some items seem redundant. Profit R and Profit % are similar but use different language…
Profit % is telling us exactly how many percent we made on our account. Profit R is measuring profit to risk. If we risk 1% per trade and make 4R, we make 4% on our account. If we cut our risk in half—R becomes 0.5%—and we make 4R, our percent profit is 2% on the account. Profit R is standardized for risk, while Profit % is standardized against the account balance. Both are important.
Add in or take out metrics based on your needs. But ideally, using all these metrics will provide insight into your trading and highlight where you need to improve.
The Price Action Stock Day Trading Course covers an entire method of trading, including patterns to watch for that occur multiple times per day, establishing your plan, getting in the zone and staying there, and loads of other insights on day trading stocks.
Using the Trade Log for Trading Improvement
A trade log provides all sorts of insights that go unnoticed if it isn’t used.
If the win rate is low, and profits are sluggish or negative, we can use that to find ways to improve our strategy:
- Is the price moving in your direction but not hitting the target? If yes, the target is too aggressive for that entry. Or possibly you’re entering too late in a move, or too early. A less aggressive target, or a better-positioned entry, will improve the win rate.
- Is the price almost immediately going against you, but then eventually going in your expected direction? If yes, more patience is required. Add criteria into your trading plan that make you wait for the trade setup to more fully develop before jumping in. This will improve the win-rate.
These are examples of questions you can ask yourself, based on problem areas you see in your trade log.
Efficiency is likely another big problem area. If we can’t follow our plan, how can we expect to be really good traders when we are handed (or develop) an amazing strategy/plan?
Establish a daily routine to help stick to the trading plan. A Peak Performance workshop I attended also had lots to say about how to improve efficiency and performance.
Reward:risk is another big problem area for many people. Most struggling traders tend to exit winning trades too early. They panic out of winners and hold onto losers. It doesn’t matter what the R:R is going into a trade if we don’t stick with it. The actual R:R based on closed trades is what matters to profitability. Combined with win rate, these statistics tell us a lot.
If you have a low win rate, the simplest solution is to hold onto winners and try to extract more profit from the trades that do work out. If the win rate is high, make sure to keep actual losses smaller than actual gains. A high win rate means nothing if we lose everything on a few big losing trades.
The EURUSD provides great day trading movement and loads of opportunity. So do the stocks on the Best Day Trading Stocks List. Capitalize by trading your best and keeping a trade log in 2025.
Dealing with #DIV/0! Excel Errors
In the Excel columns with formulas, I have extended the formula down, which creates an error because the formula is trying to calculate cells with no values. I did this simply to show which columns have formulas.
The simplest solution to this error is to just delete the cells with the #DIV/0! error. Basically, any row where you haven’t manually inputted your stats, you can delete those rows. Don’t delete formulas from the Totals row, otherwise, you won’t get a total/summary as you input information in the rows.
When you fill in a row with your data, then drag the formula from the cell above down to the current row you are filling in.
Doing this will also provide the Totals on the bottom row of the Excel sheet.
By Cory Mitchell, CMT
Practice day trading or swing trading any time (days, nights, weekends) with practice software.
Replay prior days, placing trades, just like live trading.
Practice on high-quality second-by-second data (speed it up and slow it down).
Get in extra practice time and accelerate your progress.
Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is personal investment advice, or advice to buy or sell anything. Trading is risky and can result in substantial losses, even more than deposited if using leverage. This article includes affiliate links; this site may be compensated, at no cost to you, if you purchase something via the 3rd party links.
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